Written by Emily

12. That’s the number of times I have made this pie since July when blueberries came into season. It’s been my most requested pie of the summer and people can’t get enough of it. So naturally, I decided it’s time to share it! The recipe itself is not particularly special, though I do think adding a 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom makes it that much better. What makes this so good is the fruit – the magical weeks where the peaches and blueberries are local and in season. I also decided to share because I’ve been missing this pie blog and a chance run-in with a stranger this morning encouraged me to return to my pie roots.

I set out in the early hours of the morning to go to Cleveland Bagel Company with the goal of simply getting a bag of bagels. Pajama shirt and teeth unbrushed, I rolled in with the objective to discretely procure breakfast for my family and get back to my coffee as quickly as possible. Uncaffeinated decision making about bagel varieties and cream cheese flavors extended my stay (the struggle is very real) and before I knew it, I was being pulled out of my morning haze by a most cheerful and lovely Shawnda Moye who I have now decided is my baking soulmate.

“You came to Cleveland in 2000? Me too!”

“If you were going to dinner with Oprah, what pie would you bring?”
“I love Oprah!”

“I make a mean peach cobbler.”
“I just failed at cobbler last night and need someone to teach me!”

“I make a ridiculous salted honey pie.”
“I’m here again on Tuesday.”
“Pie it is!”

Shawnda and I talked about our mutual passion for baking, for carrying on family recipes and the leap of faith it takes to do what stirs your soul. Which for us is stirring things in a mixing bowl. We’re Instagram friends now which makes it kind of official, but our short conversation helped me remember why I love this blog so much. There is such an intrinsic connection between people and food and I’m feeling the need to find ways to connect with people more than ever right now. Food can bridge differences in ways that words cannot and I’m ready to get back to sharing what I love with anyone that wants to listen and return that enthusiasm. If you want a virtual dose of the enthusiasm I received from Shawnda today, you can read this article in Edible Cleveland or follow her on Instagram @southernsweetscle. I’ll be back to see her on Tuesday with a pie in hand.

Update 2021: Shawnda and I have remained friends and she has continued to build out her dreams of slinging biscuits and bringing from scratch baked goods to the Cleveland community. You can visit her in person at her new physical location, The Bake Shop and Cafe (3615 Superior Ave.) where you will also find her biscuit pop-up, The Roaming Biscuit. Follow both – @thebakeshopandcafe and @theroamingbiscuit.

Print Recipe

Peach Blueberry Pie



    Pie Crust

    1. Using your recipe of choice (mine is my Best of Both Worlds Pie Crust in the crust recipes on this site), prepare, roll and plate a nine inch crust. This is a great step that can be done up to two days in advance. Just wrap tightly and keep in the refrigerator.

    Crumble Topping

    1. While the crust is in the refrigerator, prepare crumble topping. This can also be done in advance. I like to put mine in a freezer bag and freeze until needed.
    2. In a food processor, combine flour, oats, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt. Pulse to blend well.
    3. Cut 4T of cold butter into small pieces and add to the flour/oat mixture. Pulse until well blended. Turn into a bowl and using your hands, bring together into small crumbles. If using immediately, place in the refrigerator until ready to use. Otherwise, store in an airtight bag or container in the freezer.

    Pie Filling

    1. Preheat oven to 425
    2. Peel and slice peaches into 1/4 inch slices and place in a large mixing bowl. You can flash boil the peaches to get the skin off (lots of online tutorials) or just peel them with a vegetable peeler. It’s worth it to learn the flash boiling technique – skin peels right off and you don’t lose years off your life fighting with the vegetable peeler.
    3. Add blueberries to the peaches.
    4. Add lemon juice, 1/3 cup sugar and vanilla and stir gently to evenly distribute.
    5. In a small bowl or ramekin, combine 1T sugar, cornstarch and spices. Add to the fruit mixture and gently stir.
    6. Turn filling into prepared pie shell. I like to use a slotted spoon so that I leave behind any extra juice.
    7. Top with crumble topping.
    8. Place on lower rack of the oven and bake at 425 for 15 minutes.
    9. Lower oven temperature to 350 and continue baking for another 30 minutes or until juices bubble and crust is brown.
    10. Remove from oven and cool completely. For best results when sliced, let cool for a minimum of 4 hours to minimize the juice. You are going to love this pie!