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Easy & quick condensed milk gingerbread fudge.. white chocolate & gingerbread fudge, with gingerbread men.

Gingerbread fudge

So… Christmas is THREE DAYS AWAY. THREE. DAYS. And I am so excited! However, I thought there was still time to squeeze in a quick and easy recipe that could be used for a family treat, last minute Christmas presents, or even stocking fillers!

My Christmas gingerbread cake recipe was such a hit earlier in the week that I couldn’t resist this one. I have made this recipe a good few times this festive season already now, and each time it has been a massive hit!


I, obviously, went for the condensed milk fudge style of fudge as I know you all love it. It’s just SO easy I can’t resist it! However, considering this is meant to be gingerbread fudge, I couldn’t resist putting in some actual gingerbread men as well.

They gave a new hint of flavour, some different textures, and they were ideal inside. I have made it without, and that was also delicious, but I preferred it with them. You can of course make your own with this gingerbread men recipe! I would recommend baking them for longer though so that they’re super crunchy and delicious.

Other sweets recipes

Last year I posted my peppermint fudge recipe and its been such a big hit, along with my Christmas bark. I adore being able to post such easy Christmas sweets recipes as you all adore them and so do I.

My personal favourites for Christmas time has to be my Christmas pudding truffles, my After Eight tart and how could I forget – mince pies! I a obsessed with festive baking!


I love being able to make something homemade for my friends and family, and as much as it is easy, and they can probably make them themselves… its so nice to receive something with thought and effort put into it.

I love seeing all the photos on my social media around Christmas time of people making homemade gifts for loved ones including truffles, bark and fudge. Homemade seems a better way of thanking a teacher, work colleague or just for gifting a loved one. Enjoy!

  • 397 g condensed milk (one tin)
  • 600 g white chocolate
  • 3 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Gingerbread men (chopped)
  • Sprinkles
  • Line a tin with parchment paper – I use a 9″ square tin as it makes a nice depth of fudge with the biscuits in!

  • Put the chopped chocolate into a heavy based pan, along with all of the condensed milk, vanilla extract, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon.

  • Melt on a low heat, stiring often so that the chocolate doesn’t catch on the bottom and burn and so that all the ingredients mix together well.

  • Pour in 3/4 of the chopped gingerbread men and quickly stir through pour into the tin and smooth over the mixture. 

  • Pour on the rest of the chopped gingerbread men, add some Christmas sprinkles and press into the top of the fudge and store in the fridge for at least 3-4 hours to set, or overnight!

  • Once set – remove from the tin and cut into the squares, return to the fridge for another couple of hours to finish setting if its still a little soft – ENJOY!

  • This recipe will last better in the fridge for up to 2-3 weeks if it manages to last that long – you can also easily half or double the recipe, the setting times will just change slightly!
  • After a little while the biscuits may go a little softer, but they’re there for the flavour more than anything!
  • I used a box of pre-made gingerbread men from my bakery isle in my local Asda as they’re super crunchy and you want the biscuits to be crunchy ones, not soft and chewy.
  • The amount of gingerbread men is up to you, but I used a majority of the box, but not all as I had eaten a few..!
  • If you prefer your fudge a little sweeter and less spicy, you can reduce the ground ginger to 2tsps, and the cinnamon & nutmeg to 1/4tsp, but I think what I have used is the perfect amount!
  • The old recipe – 397g condensed milk, 400g white chocolate, 3 tsp ground ginger, 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 125g icing sugar, gingerbread men (chopped), sprinkles.

Find my other recipes on my Recipes Page!

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J x

© Jane’s Patisserie. All images & content are copyright protected. Do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words and credit me, or link back to this post for the recipe.