Pumpkin Pie 2020 Edition

Pumpkin Pie 2020 Edition

My boys are wondering why I am still practicing pumpkin pie. They are of the opinion that there must be a ceiling here – a moment when it’s perfect and I no longer have to get out my notebook, review my notes from past years and reach out for advice. It’s quite...
Peach Blueberry Pie

Peach Blueberry Pie

Written by Emily 12. That’s the number of times I have made this pie since July when blueberries came into season. It’s been my most requested pie of the summer and people can’t get enough of it. So naturally, I decided it’s time to share it! The recipe itself is not...
Peach Sour Plum Cardamom Pie

Peach Sour Plum Cardamom Pie

Written by Emily This pie has a long name. I couldn’t bring myself to discount any of these ingredients because they are all what makes this pie so good. I thought I had made the holy grail of summer pies with the peach blueberry, but this one was an accidental show...
Crumble Topping

Crumble Topping

Written by Emily We all have our pie preferences, but anyone who reads this blog will know that I am a crumble topping loyalist. Christie is your girl for a pie with a beautiful top crust, and each time she posts one of her creations, I vow to make a top crust the...
Apple Plum Pie

Apple Plum Pie

Written by Emily This may be my new signature pie for fall. That title used to be taken by my Apple Sour Cherry pie but after making this one last weekend and sharing an extra with a friend, I’m going to put this on the “make for Thanksgiving ” list. The reviews were...
Dutch Apple Pie With Caramel Apple Drizzle

Dutch Apple Pie With Caramel Apple Drizzle

Written by Emily The pie I think least about is apple pie. Not apple sour cherry or apple plum – just regular apple pie. It seems boring to me, yet it’s the most coveted emblem of American dessert eating. To be honest, any of the apple mash-ups on this blog can be...